Thursday, December 27, 2018

2018: He's Able

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a blessed and joy-filled Christmas. I cannot believe 2018 is almost over. This year has been a good one. Here's some my reflections:

It has definitely had its trials and challenges. I had started the temporary job, fallen in love with it, then had to leave. I went on to work for another company that was great, but it just wasn't the right fit for me. To say the summer and early fall was tough would be an understatement. I felt so anxious, depressed, and I just wanted to land something permanent, full-time, and work in a place that I loved and be able to connect with people and help them. I knew I had to be in an office setting where there were real people. (I guess I learned that I am not as introverted as I thought I was.) The one thing that got me through that trying time was depending on Christ's grace and His strength. I may not have had the finances I wanted, but I had God reminding me that money can never ever buy peace or joy. I may not have had a job I liked, but I had scripture's reminders that God always provide and worrying doesn't help anyone. And even though spells of anxiety and sadness would wash over me, I just knew deep down in my heart that God was doing something big and I just needed to sit tight and wait patiently.

And waiting for the right job wasn't all bad. Because I didn't have regular work, I had lots of time this summer to travel and explore new places with my parents. I got to visit Yosemite National Park and I was just blown away by all of the natural beauty. It reminded me that God is the ultimate artist and nature is his way of displaying his power and creativity. I was so captivated by all the beauty and wonder around me, so I had no time to be anxious or worried about my job search. I believe nature can heal broken hearts and provide comfort in extraordinary ways.

Well, my hunch that God was working on my behalf was certainly true. During the summer I had three different dreams about working at my old office. Some people were the same, some were different but I had gotten a full-time job there and was happy. I would wake up and shake it off as wishful thinking. I had already reached out to them earlier inquiring about any job openings only to be told they weren't hiring. I had almost given up on the idea until one day I got a call from them saying that they were hiring and I was already being considered for the job. I was so excited and then I was told I'd be working in public policy again and this time my job would be full-time and NOT temporary. I felt as if God was winking at me and telling me "See, I told you something big was going to happen." I was reminded of Luke 1:45 "Blessed is she who has believed that the LORD would fulfill his promises to her." It's not always easy to have faith and hope but I'm so glad I was able keep trusting God and continue to keep taking initiatives to lock down this job. Prayer and perseverance has never been so crucial in my life.

I think the theme for 2018 would be "He's able." God has proved to me over and over that He is always bigger than my situations. It may not always be easy or pretty, but He teaches me that being patient and positive yields bigger rewards than being worried and upset. Throughout this past year, the Lord has put Romans 12:12 on my heart and it has become my meditation for each day. It says: "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." When I had tough days, I learned how to get down on my knees and pray. And at the end of each day, I was still able to write down at least three things to be thankful for. That would give me enough courage and hope to face each new day and keep trusting that God's plans were 100% better than my own ideas.  My circumstances never ever dictate my worship for God because God is good all the time and he is faithful all the time. If I waited until everything was going perfectly to praise God, then I would never praise him. God never fails so my devotion to him shouldn't either. God is greater than the ups and downs.

Walking with Christ doesn't mean life is always smooth sailing. I have a really hard time when people make it seem as if accepting Jesus makes all your problems go away instantly. It's so unrealistic to think being a Christian makes you immune to struggles. Someone once told me that trials can sometimes be seen as a good thing because it means you're strong enough to stand them. I was in the midst of telling God "I think Satan is attacking my faith, Lord. What does this mean?" And the Lord answered me by saying "Satan attacks those he is threatened by. Now, stand firm in your faith. You are my child. That means you are a warrior princess and you will victorious." Nothing about life is guaranteed to be easy. But as many people say "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger". I believe through all the trials I faced this past year, my faith grew roots and each day I am getting closer and closer to having unshakable faith. It has been a year of immense growth and for that I am so grateful.

As 2019 approaches, I pray you all experience God's peace and his love for you. May we never forget that we have such a merciful, gracious, and loving Father who has poured out blessings upon blessings on us. We are loved by the creator of the universe and I think that is just so awesome. May your hearts and homes be filled with joy, laughter, and sweet memories for years to come.

Peace and Joy,

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Life Update & Prayer

Hey ya'll! I'm back again!

It has been a hot second since I last posted an update on my life. And if I'm being honest, I didn't share anything because it was a trying time and I wanted to unplug for a little bit to reflect and regroup. I was doing some work for a start-up company in town. It's a really awesome concept and I know it is bound to do some incredible things. However, I was just unhappy and unfulfilled while doing the work. I think a major part of my sadness was that I was still grieving the fact the my former temporary job from earlier on in the year was gone. I LOVED working in public policy so much and going to work made me excited, fulfilled, and I had learned so much. It was an amazing opportunity to network with talented professionals, get a bit outside my comfort zone, and I got to work with some of the coolest and most dedicated people I had ever met. And most importantly to me, I felt like I was actually helping people. I could interact with individuals and make sure they were heard and understood. I got to help make them happy and in doing so, I felt joyful about my work. Everything was really great, except for the fact that it was a temporary job and I needed to say goodbye and took the new job with the startup company. But something in me told me that I'd be back. Goodbye was actually "See you in a little bit."

During the time I was working at the startup company, I had three dreams about being back at my old job working. I would wake up and shake it off because I thought it was all wishful thinking. A few weeks ago, I got a phone call from the office manager from my old job and she told me a position had opened up and I was already in consideration. I was so giddy and told her that I was in and wanted to interview for it. I went through the interview process and was told I'd hear back within two weeks. I had the interview on Tuesday afternoon and flew to Chicago on Wednesday morning to spend Thanksgiving with my family. I landed in Chicago later that afternoon and was shopping around at Whole Foods. I checked my email and found out the job was mine and all I had to do now was accept the offer. So here we are now- A new position at the same office...just like I had dreamed about. This is the type of stuff that cannot be made up. God is too good. I keep asking myself "How did this happen?" And I keep coming back to the same answer "Because He is faithful." 

During the interview process for this new position, I had been pleading with God for this to work out. I was reminded of Hannah from the Old Testament in the Bible. She had begged God for a child and she told God that if He gave her a child, she would raise him to serve God and be faithful to Him. While I was certainly not begging for a child, I was begging for this exact job. I told God that I would serve Him in whatever way He wanted me to and be a light in the workplace and all the praise would go back to Him. I was so desperate for this job and God provided. My heart has been bursting with praise, wonder, and celebration so I sat down last night to write out a prayer to God and wanted to share it all with you. Maybe some of you are in the same boat as me- starting a new career or maybe you have been in your job for years and want to rededicate your work back to God. Either way, feel free to use and modify to fit your particular situation.

Father, You have blessed me abundantly more than all I could have ever asked or imagined. I know this job is one of your many blessings to me and I do not take it for granted. You have heard every single prayer that I have prayed and You have seen every tear that I have cried while waiting for this opportunity. You were always with me just as You are with me now and will be with me forever. Give me Your peace and discernment, Lord, as I bravely step into this new role. Calm any nerves or fears and give me a strong and courageous spirit to do the work You have given me to do.

Father, I ask that You will use me in whatever way You see fit to further Your kingdom. Let me be a beacon of hope and light that fills the entire atmosphere with a radiating aura of positivity, compassion, and love. Let my colleagues and those I interact with see You in me. May my words and actions be uplifting to all those who witness them and let them lead others to You. May I be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. When I interact with difficult people, help me to empathize with them instead of judging and criticizing them. Where it is easier to build walls, Lord, help me build bridges. Unity and love is always better than division and hatred. 

Father, I surrender everything to You and I'm laying it down at Your feet. Every victory will be Yours and every failure will be Yours. May I never forget how good You have been to me and that this job is a privilege not a right. May I be kind, generous, and passionate. And when I mess up (as I know I will do so many times), help me to be humble enough to admit my shortcomings, be quick to apologize, and then learn from my mistakes. Let me always remember that without You I am powerless. Success can only come from You not me.

We are in this together, Father. I am ready and excited to see what You have in store for me. Thank You for being my Savior, Friend, and King. I love You.


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

In His Hands

Hi again, everyone!

This morning, I was reminded of one of my favorite passages in scripture: Isaiah 41:10

"So do fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." 

This verse always makes me stop and think. It's so cool to think about God holding me and carrying me when I need him to. He isn't apathetic or lazy. He is so proactive about keeping me safe and secure and He will not let me drown even if I think I am going to.

I have nothing to be anxious or worried about because my King and Savior is carrying me. I am in His strong and capable hands and that's the best place I could possibly be. And yet so often I find myself feeling scared. I often need to read Isaiah 41:10 multiple times a week just to remind myself that God is holding me up and I can relax.

God fights my battles. God holds me up. God carries me through. 

Sometimes, I just need to stop, take a few deep breaths and listen for that unmistakable voice of God whispering in my ear, "I got you, Chloe. I'm right here." 

I'm in his arms and I am safe. That's all the assurance I need. May you feel the amazing arms of our Savior wrap around you today and every day. Enjoy the ride. God's got you. 

Peace and Joy,


Wednesday, September 5, 2018

My Cup Overflows

Hello once again!

Happy Wednesday! I hope you all had a lovely Labor Day weekend and had a chance to rest and connect with your loved ones.

These days I've been reflecting on Psalm 23. I just love the imagery of Christ as the good, faithful, and devoted shepherd. It reminds me that I am always in the most capable hands and have absolutely nothing to worry about. One of my favorite verses from Psalm 23 is verse 5. It states:
"You prepare a table before in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows."

"My cup overflows."

David, the author of this Psalm definitely did not have the easiest life. He was a young shepherd boy (which was the lowliest job anyone could have during Biblical times), the youngest of his brothers (Can you imagine how much he got teased and overlooked?) and then he was literally chased out of his comfort zone and forced to run for his life and go into hiding from King Saul. Yet in the midst of life's discomforts and challenges, David was able to proclaim that his cup overflows. David was able to declare this truth because he knew God was with him and provided for him. David wasn't focused on his problems, he was focused on his blessings. When we focus on God's goodness, we are able to find peace even when the situation seems impossible.

We are all fighting a battle. I don't know what your particular battle is, but I can assure you that you you are in God's hands, and there's no better place for you than resting with the best shepherd. I pray you are able to find some peace and comfort as you reflect on the many ways God provides for you and protects you. You are deeply loved and are so precious. Stay strong and keep fighting the good fight.

Peace and Joy,

Psalm 23
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall
not want.
He makes me lie down in green
pastures .
He leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of
for his name's sake.
Even though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy
shall follow me
all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of
the LORD

Saturday, August 11, 2018

My Daily Prayer

Hello everyone!

One of my favorite ways to start my day is by praying over myself, as well as the people that I will be interacting with throughout the day. It's my way of centering myself and setting an intention of peace, joy, and compassion. I strongly believe that taking a few minutes to pray over yourself, loved ones, and asking God to protect and bless you has immense benefits. Here is my personal prayer. Feel free to use this as an outline and revise for yourself where necessary.

Father God,
Thank you for waking me up this morning and breathing Your life-giving spirit into my lungs.
Thank you for all the great things You have in store for me today.

Lord, thank You for my loving family. I pray that You will bless each of them today and surround them with Your love and mercies. Protect them from anything or anyone who wants to harm them or cause them to fall away from You. May they feel your presence and immense love for them today and may they be filled with joy, peace, and wisdom.

Father, thank You for all those who I will interact with today. May I be a source of light and hope to them and a beacon of your love. Lord, please help me show unconditional compassion and grace to them. May my words and actions point to You and may they honor and glorify You. Prevent me from saying or doing anything that will cause confusion, pain, division, or hostility. Help me to spread peace and healing to those that need a kind, gentle, and humble friend.

Father, I pray for myself today. Please keep me safe from the enemy or anything or anyone that wishes to cause me harm. I ask that I will be constantly reminded of Your love and grace in my life. Keep me humble and close to Your will and may I be someone who listens more than I speak and is slow to become angry. Lord, help me to stand firm in my faith and stay faithful to You alone. May I walk in love as You loved me and gave Yourself up for me as a fragrant offering.

Jesus, I am so excited to experience all that this day has to offer with You. You have made another beautiful day and I choose to celebrate Your goodness today. Thank You for all the many blessings in my life. I do not deserve Your kindness, yet You still pour out Your love upon me. I am in awe of You. I love you, Lord.


Peace and Joy,

Monday, July 30, 2018

Just Ask...

Hello once again!

Happy Monday! I hope you had a fabulous weekend.

This morning, I was reminded of the fact that God is always listening to me and wants me to come to Him to seek whatever I need. It is often easy for me to think God is too busy or preoccupied with other affairs and doesn't have the time or energy to be present with me.

I have a difficult time asking for things. I hate making requests or asking for help even when I really need it. I hate feeling like I am inconveniencing someone else or taking too much of their precious time and energy away from them, so I resort to trying to do everything on my own.

Ya'll, when we do life with Jesus we are not supposed to do things on our own. Life isn't always easy and we need backup. We cannot do everything alone no matter how independent and strong we think we are. We risk being burned out and feeling like victims to our circumstances. We start saying things like, "I am the only one I can count on.", "I do all the work around here because nobody ever helps me." "Nobody appreciates my work."
The remedy to this is simple: Call on Jesus.

As followers of Christ, we are invited into the open arms of God to receive whatever we need. We need to have big enough faith to ask God for the thing we need. Maybe you need some encouragement and comfort. Maybe you need a miracle. Maybe you need peace and rest. Maybe you need a faithful friend to talk to and release your heavy burden. Whatever you need, just tell God about it. I cannot promise that you will always get exactly what you asked for or have your miracle delivered right away, but I can promise that God is listening to you and knows exactly what you need. And whatever you need, God will provide.

I am learning how to swallow my pride and ask for God's lifeline. It is so reassuring to know that I have a God who is ready and able to help me and pour out His grace upon me. I no longer have to do everything on my own. I have an advocate and His name is Jesus.


"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." -Mark 11:24

"And this is the confidence we have towards Him, that if we ask anything according to His will he hear us. And if we know he hears us in whatever we ask, we know we have the requests that we asked of Him" -1 John 5:14-15

"Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." -Hebrews 4:16

Peace and Joy,


Thursday, July 26, 2018

Happy 1st Birthday! (to this blog)

Hello again!

Today is this blog's first anniversary. I cannot believe it has been one year since this blog went live and I am so thankful for the Lord's abundant grace and faithfulness. I always wanted to have an outlet that allowed me to share my passion for Christ, and have a place to learn from others and both give and receive encouragement and sense of community. It fills my heart with so much joy when I hear that a post has touched one of you, or when people send me their own stories and testimonies about what God has done and is doing in their lives it gets me so excited because it just goes to show that God is always at work and He is always faithful to us.

Whether you have just discovered this blog today or you have been following along since last year, I pray that you sense the Lord's love. You are called beloved by the King of the universe. You are precious. I am so happy that you have stopped by my page.

My hope for this blog is that it is a place where people can find encouragement and hope. No matter what you are facing, you are not facing it alone. God is always besides you and with His strength, you can overcome life's hurdles. Sometimes the world can seem so bleak and sad, but it is my prayer that this blog can help shed some light and be a source of truth, community, and love.

One last thing:
Please pray for me. Pray that I stay true to God's Word and do not write anything that would cause harm, confusion, and/or cause others to stray from God. And if there is something that God wants me to share, may He give me the wisdom, discernment, and strength to deliver His message in a way that is God-honoring and done so with tact. I pray that I will live out John 3:30 "He must become greater; I must become less." I ask that God will remove any pride or arrogance from me so I can become a humble servant who brings light and truth to a world that needs it.

Thank you for allowing me to share my faith with you all. Thank you for keeping me in your prayers and reminding me that life with Jesus is the best. Thank you for giving me grace, support, and being a source of joy for me. You are awesome.

Peace and Joy,